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Appointed - Dr. Robert Sims
Feb 8, 2016
Mar 31, 2016
The International School of Kraków
seeks a new Director to start July 1, 2017
“ISK is dedicated to excellence in the intellectual and
personal development of tomorrow's world citizens”
Dr. Robert Sims Appointed As The New Director
At The International School of Kraków

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the International School of Kraków, Search Associates is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Rob Sims as the new Director, to begin at the start of the school year in 2017.
For the past nine years, Rob has been Director General of the Colegio Granadino in Manizales, Colombia. Previously, he had been a principal in Cali, Colombia, and in Bandung, Indonesia. Earlier, he taught in Taiwan, Colombia and Canada, altogether 25 years of diverse educational experience he will be bringing to Poland. His PhD is from Trident University in California and earlier degrees are from Queen’s University, Canada.
Rob prides himself on integrating with his school communities and focusing improvements that are driven by changing educational paradigms for the 21st Century. One of his referees describes him as “a person of the highest integrity, honest and straightforward and sensitive to the needs of others. He can be trusted in every sense of the word: trusted to be discreet, to do the right things, and to follow through on any task he takes on.”
This search attracted a large field of over seventy candidates and the Search Committee Chair wrote that “the Board went into extra-overtime in their process and it was not an easy choice”, but “Rob connected on every level with everyone and was flowing with energy; knowledgeable, thoughtful, reflective, expansive.”
Rob will be joined by his wife, Cindy, a professional educator in her own right and a college counselor, as well as his youngest daughter Maiya, who will enter 11th grade at ISK.
The International School of Kraków (ISK) is an independent, not-for-profit, co-education day school founded in 1993 to provide high quality education to the international community. ISK offers an education for children ages 3-18 and boasts 52 teachers and 256 students representing 33 nationalities and 27 languages.
Jim Ambrose and David Cramer, Search Consultants