Middle School Principal at Colegio Bolivar in Colombia
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Middle School Principal
Colegio Bolivar (Colombia)

Appointed - Michael Fisher
Dec 1, 2016
Jan 30, 2017


Colegio Bolivar

seeks a 

Middle School Principal

 Starting August 2017

Colegio Bolivar is one of the leading educational institutions of its kind in the region with a long-standing reputation for its academic strength and unique school community. 

Colegio Bolivar was founded in 1947 as a private, coeducational, non-confessional and non-profit foundation. Ever since it has provided a bilingual, binational, and multi-cultural type education to the children of north American families and other foreign residents in Cali, as well as to those Colombian nationals seeking this type of education for their children.

Currently, the school offers a college preparatory education in English and in Spanish to over 1330 students from Nursery through grade 12, comparable and compatible with the one offered by the best schools in this category, in Colombia, United States and abroad.  Students receive the Colombian Bachillerato and U.S. High School diplomas upon successful completion of the program.   

Colegio Bolivar has worked under the authority and support of its General Bond Holder Assembly, the founding companies of the school. This Assembly elects a ten-member Board of Director’s, parents of children enrolled in school, who work for the fulfillment of the school’s mission and goals.

Colegio Bolivar’s curricular and extracurricular programs come from Colombian and north American traditions and comply with the most demanding standards of both countries. Besides a group of highly qualified local teachers, many of them bilingual, the school has a numerous group of foreign-hire teachers. English is the language in which children are educated since first grade; however, Spanish language and Colombian culture are an integral part of the educational program. Colegio Bolivar prepares its students to continue their education in schools and universities locally and internationally.

Mission Statement

Colegio Bolivar is an educational community whose mission is to educate its students in a bilingual, democratic environment to be autonomous, to demonstrate a spirit of inquiry and collaboration, to uphold a commitment to excellence, and to maintain the highest aspirations for the welfare of both the individual and society.

  • Bilingual Environment: A Bilingual Environment is one that fosters, within the educational community, the development of the ability to communicate properly, orally and in written form, both in English and in Spanish, with the possibility of having greater skills in one language. Simultaneously, a sound understanding of the cultures, which are linked to these two languages, is constructed within this environment.
  • Democratic Environment: A democratic environment promotes a peaceful coexistence, a responsible and constructive participation in the democratic processes and the respect for plurality and difference both in the immediate and the broader contexts.
  • Autonomy: Is understood as the result of the students’ process of construction (self/development) of him/herself as a social being, based on a clear ethical and moral foundation and of their processes of learning and cognitive development, with the support of the family and the educational institution. This process is framed in a socio-cultural context whose norms become compulsory reference points.
  • Spirit of Inquiry: Spirit of inquiry refers to the students’ drive (interest) to learn, reason, think creatively, make decisions, and search for solutions to problems, which allows analysis and communications of results.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Refers to the development of the abilities and possibilities of each student so that with their effort and commitment they can give their personal best towards a life project that is meaningful and flexible. This process is mediated by the students’ interactions with others and aims both towards the collective and the individual well-being.
  • Commitment to the Highest Aspirations: Commitment to the highest aspirations for the welfare of both the individual and society is understood as having a collective identity where solidarity is present, giving individuals or groups their due responsibilities within society.

Vision Statement

By 2022, Colegio Bolivar will be an exemplary learning community in Latin America, with individuals highly prepared to positively impact society.


The Bolivar Community supports its Mission through commitment to the following principles:

  • Education is the most valuable tool to improve the quality of life.
  • Democratic practice is a guiding ideal that fosters dialogue, respect and community.
  • Intellectual excellence is to be supported by the school setting.
  • Language is central to learning.
  • The school has a responsibility to meet the needs and support the talents of individual students.
  • Social responsibility is the obligation of the educated person.
  • Community is built by fostering relationships based on care and trust among all of its members.

Six Qualities of the Colegio Bolivar Graduate

  1. Utilize the processes, knowledge and values of scholarship.
  2. Apply and connect knowledge to think critically and creatively.
  3. Demonstrate bilingual proficiency in social and academic contexts.
  4. Exemplify positive personal values.
  5. Demonstrate the moral conscience and social responsibility of a proactive citizen.
  6. Interact with the world recognizing multiple perspectives.

Strategic Plan

 The development of our Strategic Plan began with an analysis that involved all acting parties of the Bolivar Community, gathering the perceptions of all interest groups to identify needs, priorities, and future objectives. As a result of this process, we discovered that Colegio Bolivar is on the right track, and it is time to go to the next level, reaching further, accomplishing our main purpose, capitalizing on our achievements, and enriching our educational labor with the challenge of preparing new generations. The school is currently in the second of a seven-year strategic plan. 

The Country

Colombia has stunning scenery and resources to host the most demanding events. Impressive mountains, beautiful villages, walls, castles, colonial squares and places inspired by flowers are transformed into perfect settings full of magic realism.

Owing to its privileged position, Colombia is well connected to the international community with over 900 flights per week. In addition, the diversity of climates and destinations offer you an infinite number of combinations. Given that there are no seasons here, the natural wonders of the country are available to host the most unforgettable conferences at any time of the year.

Friendliness and service are two of the most important qualities of Colombians, ensuring that your conference will be professionally held at a high level. Magic realism can also be seen in the smiles at every corner and held close to the heart of every Colombian.


The City

Cali is the capital of the Valle del Cauca Department and the third most populous city in the country (with a population of over two million inhabitants). It is one of the oldest cities in Colombia and America. It was founded by the conquistador Sebastián de Belalcázar in 1536.

Located in the valley of the river Cauca at around one thousand meters above sea level, it has a basically flat topography. It is now one of Colombia's most influential industrial and economic centers. The city is considered the main cultural and agricultural center in southwest Colombia. As well as being known as the capital of salsa, due to the enthusiasm the musical genre generates, its gastronomy has recently come to be known worldwide. Its warm climate, added to the warmth of its people, make this city one of the country's likeable and interesting.

While it may not have the looks to front the tourist brochure, Cali is the kind of place that provides all the substance. It's a hot, gritty city with a passion for life that draws you in and stays with you long after you leave town.

It is not an easy place to get to know – tourism doesn't seem to be high on anyone's agenda here – but with very little effort you will find great nightlife, good restaurants and plenty to do, especially in the evening, when a cool mountain breeze dissipates the heat of the day.

Cali is rich in Afro-Colombian heritage; nowhere is the nation's racial diversity and harmony more apparent than here. From the impoverished barrios to the slick big clubs, everyone is moving to one beat, and that beat is salsa. Music here is much more than entertainment, it is a unifying factor that ties the city together.

Caleños are proud of their vibrant culture and have a rebellious attitude that's reflected in the city's catchphrase: 'Cali es Cali y lo demás es loma, ¿oís?' (Cali is Cali, and the rest [of Colombia] is just mountain, ya hear?). Lonely Planet

The Position

Colegio Bolivar seeks a dynamic and experienced educator for the Middle School Principal positon.  The middle school principal is responsible for the faithful implementation and overall direction of the section and evaluated the performance standards of:  Instructional Leadership, Section Climate, Human Resources Leadership, Organizational Management, Communication and Community Relationships, Professionalism and Student Progress.  The section is comprised of two counselors, 25 teachers, secretary, office clerk, and is supported by the Secondary Dean (grades 6 – 12). 

The principal will work in close conjunction with the Administrative Team (director, pre-primary principal, primary principal, high school principal, director of learning, head of information services, and community affairs coordinator) to support, promote and assist with the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and support the overall academic, social and emotional well-being of the middle school population.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction or related field.
  • Three or more years as a middle or high school principal or similar educational leadership experience
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English
  • U.S. Citizen
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Proficiency in the Spanish language


  •  Experience in international school setting

Salary and Benefits Salary will be highly competitive within the region.  Benefits include furnished housing, shipping, school vehicle, annual home leave, local medical insurance with international coverage, and 80% tuition at Colegio Bolivar for dependent children.  While the initial contract will be for a period of three years, it is the hope and expectation of the Board of Directors that at the end of that time it will be mutually desirable to extend.

Colegio Bolivar has selected Search Associates to act as our sole consultant to assist with this search.

Interested candidates should send an application AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME but no later than 30 January, 2017 (The review of files will begin as soon as applications are received.) Candidates should note, however, that in the event a uniquely outstanding applicant is identified early in the search process, Colegio Bolivar reserves the right to make an appointment before the deadline mentioned above. For this reason, it is VERY IMPORTANT that interested candidates apply as soon as possible.

Candidates should send the information to Search Associates as requested below. It must be submitted EXACTLY in the form and manner requested. Please DO NOT send any information other than that which is specifically requested:

  • A letter of application, no longer than two pages, explaining your strengths as a candidate and why you are interested in this position 
  • A current resume not to exceed two pages
  • A one-page statement outlining educational beliefs and leadership style
  • one-page list of references with phone numbers and email addresses
  • A maximum of three letters of reference which may already be in your possession 

Please note that ALL the above materials must be scanned into a SINGLE PDF ATTACHMENT (low resolution preferred) and sent IN THE SAME TRANSMISSION to Search Associates all the e-mail addresses listed below. Also, please note that it is important to limit the size of your SINGLE PDF to 8 MB. 

AND a cc to

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was a student under Alec Peterson ("father of the IB") in the 1960's, and was introduced in some depth to the DP hexagon very soon after its creation.