News: 2018 EARCOS Teachers Conference in Bangkok - May 20, 2018
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Sunday, May 20, 2018General News

2018 EARCOS Teachers Conference in Bangkok

This March, Senior Associate Nick Kendell and his wife and Search partner Paula Kendell joined 1,200 delegates at the Shangri-La Hotel for the East Asia Regional Council of Schools (EARCOS) Teachers’ Conference (ETC) in Bangkok. This year’s theme, "50 Years of Voices United in Purpose," meshed ideas from the Special Education Network in Asia (SENIA), Early Childhood, literacy, and English as an Additional Language (EAL). Search Associates had the privilege of sponsoring a greatly-welcomed coffee break!

“The keynotes and presentations were outstanding!” reported Nick. Norman Kunc and Emma Van der Klift spoke on Inclusion in the Rearview Mirror: Rethinking Ability, Opportunity, and Support. Pernille Ripp’s talk was entitled Passionate Learners – How to Engage and Empower Your Students, and Chip Donohue addressed Family Engagement in the Digital Age: Early Childhood Educators as Media Mentors. There were a total of 175 sessions from which to choose, with a host of excellent presenters, including ones from class teachers.

At the Search Associates table, Nick and Paula enjoyed conversing with participants about international teaching opportunities and the role that Search Associates has played in transforming lives.

Did You Know…?

Nick Kendell is running FREE seminars in Australia for teachers. Book your spot now to find out more about a career teaching overseas!