News: Consultant Co-Presents at AASA Conference - Feb 29, 2020
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Saturday, February 29, 2020General News

Consultant Co-Presents at AASA Conference

Held February 13-15 at the San Diego Convention Center, the annual American Association of School Administrators (AASA) conference offered a combination of learning experiences, professional as well as peer-to-peer connection, among superintendents across the U.S. The conference also provided opportunities to meet thought leaders from outside the field of education. This year’s theme was The Personalization of Education.  AASA describes itself as “the premier association for school system leaders and serves as the national voice for public leaders and serves as the national voice for public education and district leadership on Capitol Hill.”

Brent MutschAs part of the three-day program loaded with Thought-Leader and Educational Sessions, Search Associates Senior Consultant Brent Mutsch joined Executive Director of the Office of Overseas Schools, Tom Shearer, for a presentation. To their audience of about 30 superintendents late Friday afternoon, Tom and Brent talked about the role of U.S overseas schools and employment opportunities for administrators looking to work abroad. They also introduced school-to-school partnerships for those superintendents remaining stateside. While providing literature and materials—including fact sheets, school directories, and recruitment information—Tom and Brent emphasized how much Search Associates (SEARCH) and like agencies—ISS, Carney-Sandoe and Resource Group 175)—could support administrators’ job searches abroad.

Though privileged to represent SEARCH at the AASA Conference and to meet many school leaders, Brent had to dash to the airport for an appointment in the Middle East. The following week he would be conducting a school visit at the American International School in Kuwait in preparation for launching their superintendent search for 2021. With our mission to partner with quality international schools and quality educators to serve and enrich learning worldwide, our Search Associates travel the globe in support of quality learning opportunities for students!

Did You Know…?

During the past year, Search Associates has assisted over 3,000 teachers, counselors, librarians, and administrators find jobs.