News: International Teaching in Turkey - Jun 10, 2020
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Wednesday, June 10, 2020School Spotlights

International Teaching in Turkey

The Sezin School (Sezin) wants each student's voice to be heard. Founded in 1963 in Istanbul, the school aims to raise socially conscious and engaged individuals, equipped with skills to design their own future. Sezin’s educational philosophy—based on the words of founder Sabahat Sezin—is "All children are talented in their own way." Therefore, Sezin’s mission is to guide its students to reach their highest potential while celebrating the uniqueness of each.

Currently enrolled are 1,110 K–12 students, most of whom are Turkish, with 2% from North America and the U.K. The staff of 139 comprises 130 Turkish educators and nine from North America and the U.K. A candidate for certification with Cambridge International Assessment, Sezin uses inquiry-based learning to deliver the International General Certificate of Secondary Education Program. The school is also accredited by the national education system of Turkey.

Sezin’s distinctive educational approach ensures that its students achieve academic success while nurturing their social and emotional well-being. The numerous after-school clubs are divided into five areas of interest, with great choices within each: Science and Innovation, Social Involvement and Change, Culture and Arts, Sports and Wellness, and Special Interest. Two examples of clubs from each area, respectively, are 3D Modeling and Press or Magic Chemistry, European Youth Parliament or Model United Nations, Drumming or Short Film and Documentary, Swimming or CrossFit, and Humor or Mind Games.

Knowing that artistic and cultural appreciation is formed at a young age, Sezin—now in its 55th year—deepened its commitment to the arts by organizing a monthly cultural event, Art at Sezin. The school says on its website that Sabahat Sezin Hall, with its capacity to host 325 people, has become “a cultural platform where professional and amateur artists meet art-lovers."

Sezin boasts other wonderful learning and community spaces. A multi-purpose area, called The Third Place, was designed for communication between parents and graduates during collective brainstorming workshops, career meetings, student and teacher joint project studies, Parent-Teacher Association meetings, and alumni meetings. The space is meant to enhance the intellectual and vocational lives of parents and alumni in fields ranging from art and philosophy to technology and communication. This community is also welcome to work in The Third Space in their spare time.

Opened in 2017, the constantly evolving Open Roof Space is a place for innovative learning, producing, collaborating, and gathering. On its website, Sezin calls Open Roof Space a “pedagogical workshop that houses [its] ‘Makerlab,’ ‘Skillslab,’ a library, several multi-purpose rooms, and various workspaces, all of which offer a preview of the school of the future.” In addition to students, teachers, parents, and partners are all welcome to create and discover in this wonderful environment that supports different learning styles that align with 21st century competencies.

Sezin prefers to hire certified singles and couples with a non-teaching partner. They will also consider exceptional newly-certified candidates and those certified in non-English speaking countries. Teachers must hold an academic degree in the subject they will be teaching. Certified candidates up to the age of 55 may obtain a work visa.

The benefits package includes a non-taxed salary, a monthly housing stipend, and annual airfare home. Sezin covers 50% of the tuition fee and offers opportunities for professional development. Local, private health insurance—including life insurance—is fully covered. Other bonuses include lunch, bus service to and from school, and six weeks paid summer holiday. This package amounts to a nice bit of savings.

To gain access to The Sezin School’s full profile on the Search Associates database, including a list of any vacancies, candidates can apply for membership by clicking here. Candidates already registered can easily access the school profile directly through their dashboards.

Please note: The information presented about this school was valid on the date published. This information may change, and the most up-to-date information can be found on the school profile.

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