News: New International Teacher Offers Advice to Jobseekers - Sep 8, 2015
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Tuesday, September 8, 2015Candidate Stories

New International Teacher Offers Advice to Jobseekers

Finding the perfect position is possible at all stages in the recruiting cycle, even the final few weeks. Candidates are encouraged to continue interviewing, checking the website, and staying up to date on current openings for the opportunity to land their dream job. For Search Associates' candidate Andrew Pollick, the anticipation of finding a position was completely worth the reward—a job as a first-time international educator.

Andrew is not new to teaching nor to travel, as he has been teaching mathematics for nine years in Pittsburgh. One year ago, Andrew and his wife Francesca drafted a five-year plan to live and teach at an international school where they could explore culture and "see incredible sights." Immediately, they took steps to make their dream come true. Andrew spoke about the role of Search Associates in his job-seeking process.

"I signed on in February and immediately traveled to the Toronto and Boston Fairs. I met my Associate, Jessica Magagna, and she answered the first 1,000 of my 10,000 questions. I was able to learn about schools and research salary, work days, and contracts."

After researching the school and town, Andrew accepted a high school math position at Strothoff International School in Frankfurt, Germany. Andrew was complimentary about the ease of the interview process and the organization of the fair. He spoke of its greatest benefit for him:

"[As a brand new candidate,] I thought the most important part of the fair was the networking with current international teachers. They had invaluable advice."

Andrew and Francesca offer practical advice for educators taking the first leap to work overseas. When offered a job, be sure to email the Head of School the same day you are given an offer, and give a time frame he or she will hear back from you.

  • Celebrate your success, and remember that you were hired because of your potential for success and admirable work ethic.
  • Make sure the important people in your life support the upcoming changes.
  • Update your passport. You'll need at least two years remaining on it to apply for a visa. Find out immediately where the consulate to your new country is located to receive and submit necessary paperwork and steps to obtain a visa.
  • Contact the transition team, the personnel at your new school, who will help you secure a place to live as near to the school as possible.
  • Contact your local Department of Transportation to apply for an international drivers permit. You'll need two passport photos and to pay a fee.
  • Research what bank and cell phone service you'll use.
  • Before you depart, reserve those last weeks at home for quality time with those you love.

Search Associates congratulates the Pollicks in finding their "perfect fit," which meant being patient until the end of July to secure it! Thus the most important advice they could give candidates: "Be patient and don't get frustrated."

Did You Know…?

Search Associates is a family-owned business founded by John Magagna, former international educator. After working with her father for ten years, daughter Jessica Magagna is now CEO.