News: Search Associates San Francisco Fair 2015 - Mar 10, 2015
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015General News

Search Associates San Francisco Fair 2015

Search Associates is renowned for helping educators embark upon their first international teaching adventures. On February 12-15, 2015, Vice President Michael Williams hosted the San Francisco Job Fair. Now in its eighth year, the San Francisco Fair is regarded as an excellent venue for top-tier international schools to connect with enthusiastic, qualified teachers looking to work overseas for the first time.

With 61 schools and 166 candidates in attendance, the San Francisco Job Fair is one Search Associates' more intimate recruiting events. Schools from 35 countries were present, representing every region of the globe. Just under 400 jobs were posted, with 50 positions filled by fair's end. Michael Williams expects that number to increase to around 60 or more in the coming weeks.

With its relaxed atmosphere and supportive environment, the San Francisco fair is an excellent venue for educators to make connections and experience what the world of international teaching is like. Of the 166 candidates in attendance, most were experienced American teachers beginning their careers abroad, while a handful had taught in international schools before. With so many first-time international educators, many attendees appreciated the advice they received from the Search staff working the fair. In addition to Michael Williams and his team, Senior Associates Jim Ambrose, Ralph Jahr, and Bridget McNamer were present to assist candidates and provide guidance. Also in attendance was Search Associates Founder John Magagna, who was recently honored as the recipient of the ESOL (Educational Services Overseas Limited) Excellence in International Education Award.

This year's fair was held at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, a convenient five minute drive from the airport. The hotel rests beside the waterfront, providing a picturesque backdrop for recruiters and candidates to network and interview. All of the attendees appreciated the hotel's easily accessible location and luxurious ambiance.

Did You Know…?

Senior Associate Bill Turner’s international teaching career has taken him to Sudan, Italy, Qatar and the UAE as well as his home country of England. His very first teaching position was in rural Sudan.