News: Search Melbourne: A Family Affair - Feb 28, 2015
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Saturday, February 28, 2015General News

Search Melbourne: A Family Affair

The third annual Search Melbourne Job Fair, the first week of January, gave organizer Senior Associate Nick Kendell much to celebrate. He and his family were joined by Vice President Michael Williams and Senior Associate Ralph Jahr in assisting 58 international school representatives and just under 190 candidates at the beautiful Langham Hotel. Nick reports,

"Around 75% of candidates attending the Fair received an offer, and once again it appears that the Melbourne Search Fair will have the highest placement ratio of all our recruiting fairs at around 57%."

Nick, who guaranteed the pre-screening of all invited and who personally interviewed most of the new candidates attending the Search Fair, praised the caliber of candidates who exhibited "incredibly strong inquiry pedagogy." Recruiters come to Melbourne expecting to find great teachers. The feedback from schools was that the candidates at the fair were extremely knowledgeable, well- prepared, and armed with a "can do" attitude.

Previously held in Sydney and Auckland, this Australiasian Fair, is in its 21st year. Melbourne is Search Associates's first mid-sized job fair of the calendar year and the perfect event for first time overseas teachers as well as experienced international teachers. Candidates Ben and Kirra remarked,

"What an experience! As new graduates apprehensive about getting interviews, let alone offers - our eyes were opened to the range of opportunities we were exposed to. Great job having a team to chat to and advise also. Thank you."

Search Associates Nick Kendell, Michael Williams (left), and Ralph Jahr (right) provided expertise and guidance to all attendees. Additionally, Nick's assistant, Paula Kendell, was on hand with a staff of high school students, led by their two sons, to help Fair guests navigate the way. An elementary school principal from China commented:

"A most heartfelt thanks for running such a calm, personalized, and efficient fair! I can't imagine the hours and logistics that go into making such an operation successful, but I really appreciate the fact that it ran like a dream, and there was always someone ready and willing to assist with a smile and a chat. Your warmth, humour, efficiency, and advice made it such an enjoyable experience. "The Teen Team" [were] my favourite part of the fair - those are the most personable, practical and gracious young people."

Back row, left to right: Sarah Stuart, Liam Kendell, Andrew Nicholas, Billy Neville, Zac Stuart, Tom Kendell, Front Row: Deidre Fischer, Max Neville

Search Melbourne is one of thirteen job fairs offered around the world each year. Though unique, each fair maintains that personal touch for which Search Associates is distinguished. We look forward to the upcoming fairs this calendar year in Bangkok and London.

Did You Know…?

During the past year, Search Associates has assisted over 3,000 teachers, counselors, librarians, and administrators find jobs.