News: 2017 AdvancEd Conference - Jan 15, 2018
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Monday, January 15, 2018General News

2017 AdvancEd Conference

This November 27th-30 four Search Associates representatives—Chief Operating Office Rajiv Bhat and Senior Associates Ralph Jahr, David Cramer, and Bob Imholt—attended the AdvancED Latin American Fall Conference.  The event, whose theme was “Join the Journey,” was held at Grand Hyatt Buckhead in Atlanta, Georgia. Each year this conference hosts a gathering of school administrators from schools in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.

From left: Rajiv Bhat, Ralph Jahr, Bob Imholt, David CramerBob was there specifically to talk with folks about increasing the Search Associates presence in the Latin American market. He spent a great deal of time talking with school heads, principals, and leadership in professional organizations, such as LAHC, AdvancED, AASSAA, and Tri-Association, about the region’s recruiting needs.

The busy Search Associates’ booth at the conference was visited by many school heads/directors of international schools in the Central and South American regions, “too numerous to mention,” says Ralph.

The team also enjoyed three keynote addresses. Darrell Barringer introduced the AdvancED Continuous Improvement Overview. Susie Eisa presented eProve: Next Generation School Improvement Productivity Tool, and Mark Elgart spoke on Preparing the next Generation of Responsible Global Leaders.

It is a privilege to attend the annual AdvancEd Conference. Keeping pace with the latest in education and supporting the needs of our educators around the globe are priorities for Search Associates.

Did You Know…?

Search Associates has over 15 Senior Associates with offices around the globe, each bringing a wealth of experience in international education.