News: Fall Leadership Fair in Malaysia - Nov 22, 2014
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Saturday, November 22, 2014General News

Fall Leadership Fair in Malaysia

Recruiting season is quickly commencing! From November to April, Search Associates will host fourteen job fairs around the world, from Melbourne to Cambridge to Bogota. The Search Leadership Fair, hosted on November 3 -5 in Kuala Lumpur, brought together representatives from twenty-eight overseas schools and one hundred candidates from various regions. Fair Organizers, Vice President Michael Williams and Senior Associate Ray Sparks, were pleased with the event, held at the Concorde Hotel.Ray remarked:
"The 4th Annual Leadership Fair provided a wonderful opportunity for those candidates seeking their first leadership or administrative positions as well as those experienced administrators. Over eighty positions were posted at the Fair, offering ample prospects for our candidates."

Both recruiters and candidates alike experienced a positive, comfortable atmosphere with a myriad of opportunities to connect with one another; this included interview sign-ups, school presentations, and a discussion in which questions initiated from candidates were answered by a panel of recruiters. Some of the topics addressed included how to secure one's first administrative position, the qualities of a most effective resume and cover email, essential qualities for leaders, how to approach and repair a complete communication breakdown with a teacher, and lastly, an administrator's responsibility for the future of education.

Attendance at the Leadership Fair has been growing steadily in recent years. It offers great networking opportunities as well as the chance to interview face to face with recruiters which can lead to follow-up interviews once the Fair concludes. The smaller size of this Fair allows administrators to speak with and get advice from recruiters on how to obtain a leadership role. At the larger Fairs, this can be more difficult. The next Leadership Fair will be held in November, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand.

Meanwhile candidates and schools registered with Search Associates, whether attending a job fair or not, will continue to receive maximum support from our nineteen experienced Senior Associates around the globe. In addition, our state-of-the-art website will continue to connect them to the latest job openings and a large pool of exceptional candidates.

Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.