News: Search January Bangkok 2018 - Jan 19, 2018
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Friday, January 19, 2018General News

Search January Bangkok 2018

Senior Associate Nick Kendell and Executive Assistant Paula Kendell, together with Senior Associate Harry Deelman and his partner Margaret, welcomed 135 schools and 549 candidates to the Search Bangkok Fair, held at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel this January 8th. Over 1,200 positions were posted on day one of the fair.

Nick was extremely grateful to all who traveled far and wide to attend this early-in-the-season fair, known for its competitiveness. He expressed deep gratitude to the Search Associates team “who soldiered on bravely despite many around them falling ill."


Congratulations to those candidates who were able to secure positions and to the schools who managed to find great teachers. Senior Associate Julie Ryan received an email from Taylor, a candidate who was placed during Search January Bangkok:

“Attending the Bangkok fair was the best decision!  The organization, support and warm environment made it a fantastic week. I met and learned from teachers around the world. . .Thank you so much Search Associates! I talked with amazing schools and received great offers. I'm leaving the fair with my dream job!!!”

John Ritter summed up his final moments of the Bangkok fair beautifully. "While I was packing up files, hand-holding one candidate who was hoping for an offer, congratulating another who was just offered her ‘dream job,’ I received an email from a friend who was a Search candidate last year:"

"I hope the fair is going well, and you're once again able to match many wonderful educators with fantastic schools around the world. It's quite a thought - you are helping to change so many people's lives - not in a small way, but completely!  . . . 'The 3 C's of Life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change.' Oh how my life has changed being an international educator!”

Nick strongly encourages those who did not find the right fit at the fair “to continue the dialogue with your Associate, and utilise the database moving forward."

For more about Search Associates’ 12 unique job fairs held all over the globe, click here.


Did You Know…?

Senior associate Harry Deelman was at various times headmaster of schools in a fascinating foursome of global cities: Buenos Aires, Rome, Dubai, and Bangkok.